IDG’s Computerworld has honored Microsoft Research for their innovative approach to HIV research, applying the same high-powered computation systems which are used in spam filters to the problem of HIV.
This work is a collaboration between Microsoft Research Distinguished Scientist, David Heckerman and Ragon Institute Director, Dr. Bruce Walker. In November 2011, Heckerman and Walker discussed their collaboration and their hopes for the future of HIV research. Watch the video
This project, Uncovering New Ways the Human Immune System Fights HIV, involves the support for the University of KwaZulu-Natal(UKZN), the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV(K-RITH) to create an effective HIV immunization agent by quantifying how the immune system attacks various fragments of HIV—data that we hope will, one day, lead to a vaccine.
Established in 1988, and celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year, The Computerworld Honors Program brings together individuals, organizations and institutions around the world whose visionary applications of information technology promote positive social, economic and educational change. The Computerworld Honors Program feature will appear in the June 3rd issue of Computerworld and online at