Ragon Institute

DeKosky Honored with AAI ASPIRE Award for Excellence in Immunology Research

Feb 11, 2025 Awards

The Ragon Institute is proud to announce that faculty member and Early Independence Fellow Brandon DeKosky, PhD, has been awarded a prestigious AAI ASPIRE Award by the American Association of Immunologists (AAI). This award recognizes outstanding early-career investigators who have made significant contributions to immunology research and demonstrate exceptional promise in the field. The AAI […]

Amy Barczak Awarded CFD Excellence in Mentoring Award

Jan 13, 2025 Awards

We are delighted to celebrate Ragon faculty Amy Barczak, MD , for receiving the CFD Excellence in Mentoring Ally for Women Faculty Award! This prestigious recognition, presented by the MGH Center for Faculty Development, honors her extraordinary commitment to supporting and advancing women faculty. Amy’s dedication to mentorship is evident in her tireless efforts to […]

Ragon Postdoc Awarded Prestigious NIH K99 Pathway to Independence Award

Jul 25, 2024 Awards

The Ragon Institute is proud to recognize Upasana Das Adhikari, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Kwon Lab, who has been awarded the prestigious K99 Pathway to Independence Award by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This highly competitive award identifies trainees with strong potential to become independent scientists and supports them through this critical […]

Gaurav Gaiha Honored with NIDA Avant-Garde Award

Jul 12, 2023 Awards

Dr. Gaurav Gaiha, MD, DPhil, has been awarded a prestigious Avant-Garde Award for HIV and Substance Use Disorder Research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This award is part of the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award mechanism which supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose […]

Dan Barouch Awarded King Faisal Prize

Jan 6, 2023 Awards

Congratulations to Dan Barouch, MD, PhD, one of this year’s recipients of the King Faisal Prize! Barouch, a founding member and steering committee member of the Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, and Harvard, was jointly awarded the 2023 King Faisal Prize for Medicine with vaccinologist Sarah Gilbert, PhD, of the University of Oxford. The King […]

Ragon Employee Recognized for Suggestion of the Month

Mar 20, 2018 Awards

Alex Cusson, Administrative Manager at the Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, and Harvard, was nominated for the March 2018 Suggestion of the Month in recognition of a comment he submitted via Isuggest, a platform which aims to implement changes to operational processes across Massachussets General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Partners HealthCare based […]

Kwon Awarded MGH DOM Innovation Grant

Aug 23, 2016 Awards

Dr. Douglas Kwon has been awarded the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Medicine Innovation Grant.   Dr. Kwon submitted a proposal for the grant based on technology which leverages the power of genome sequencing to identify a bacteria’s species, as well as the level of resistance. This technology will allow doctors to generate a diagnosis […]

Lingwood Awarded NIDA Avenir Award

Jun 7, 2016 Awards

Ragon Institute faculty member Daniel Lingwood, PhD, was one of seven recipients of The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Avenir Award.   The Avenir Award supports early stage investigators who propose highly innovative studies. The scientists each receive up to $300,000 per year for five years to support their HIV/AIDS and genetics research.   […]

Kwon and Collaborators Win New Venture Award

Apr 11, 2016 Awards

On March 23, DayZero Diagnostics was announced as the winner of the Harvard Business School (HBS) New Venture Competition.   DayZero Diagnostics, headed by Ragon faculty Drs. Douglas Kwon and Melis Anahtar, Dougal Maclauren, Miriam Huntley, and Jong Lee, is a startup which is striving to change the way doctors diagnose bacterial infections.  They are […]

HPP Masters Student Receives High Honors

Mar 10, 2016 Awards

HIV Pathogenesis Programme (HPP) Masters student Funsho Ogunshol was recently awarded a Masters degree summa cum laude by the University of KwaZulu-Natal.  Ogunshol was supervised by Ragon faculty member Dr. Zaza Ndhlovu.   In recognition of this exceptional achievement, Ogunshol has also been awarded a full PhD scholarship by Sub-Saharan Africa Network for TB/HIV Research […]

Ragon Faculty Named Highly Cited Researchers

Mar 7, 2016 Awards

Four Ragon Institute faculty members were recently named Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers. These include: Ragon Institute Director Dr. Bruce Walker, Professor of Medicine, Harvard University;  Dr. Todd Allen, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Dr. Dan Barouch, Professor of Medicine, Harvard University; and Dr. Dennis Burton, Professor, Scripps Research Institute.   In addition to the four Ragon faculty members, four  Ragon […]

Shalek Awarded NIH New Innovator Award

Oct 6, 2015 Awards

Seventy-eight grants have been awarded to scientists proposing highly innovative approaches to major contemporary challenges in biomedical research, under the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program supported by the NIH Common Fund. Awards support exceptional investigators pursuing bold research projects that span the broad mission of the NIH, including developing methods for cells to synthesize their own […]

Balazs Awarded NIDA Avenir Award

Jun 29, 2015 Awards

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently announced the first recipients of its two newly developed Avenir Award programs for HIV/AIDS and genetics research. The Avenir (meaning “future” in French) Awards support early stage investigators who propose highly innovative studies. The six scientists will each receive up to $300,000 per year for five years […]

Corleis Awarded Postdoc Recognition Award

Feb 19, 2015 Awards

Dr. Björn Corleis, postdoctoral fellow at Ragon, has been selected as this year’s winner of the Postdoc Recognition Award by the Mass General Postdoc Association (MGPA).   The MGPA serves the MGH postdoctoral community, providing support for research and career related matters across the hospital. The Postdoc Recognition Award is designed to recognize outstanding postdoctoral […]

Walker Recognized Among Brightest Scientific Minds

Nov 26, 2014 Awards

Who are some of the best and brightest scientific minds of our time?   Multinational mass media and information firm, Thomson/Reuters answered this question by analyzing citation data over the last 11 years to identify those who published the highest-impact work.  Of the 32,000 individuals selected, 30 investigators are based at or closely affiliated with […]

Kleinsteuber Awarded EU Fellowship

Oct 23, 2014 Awards

Katja Kleinsteuber, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow with in the Walker Lab has been awarded the Marie Curie International outgoing fellowship awarded by the European Commission.   The European Commission plays a key role in providing support for the next generation of science, technology, researchers and innovations through the whole of the European Union and associated […]