Ragon Institute


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Newsletter Vol 3: HPP Retreat and Irvine

Jan 20, 2011

2010 HPP Retreat in South Africa Communication and collaboration is the lifeblood of real scientific progress. Researchers often work long hours focused on their own research but getting together periodically with others in their field to share results gives a fresh perspective which often moves research forward.   This past October, Ragon Institute faculty, researchers […]

Newsletter Vol 2: Student Program, Yu Lab, WhizzKids

Oct 5, 2010

Ragon Summer Student Program For many, summer time means beaches and barbeques, but for motivated high school and undergraduate students interested in HIV research, summer also means research at the Ragon Institute.   The Ragon Institute Summer Student Program, directed by Dr. Sylvie Le Gall, has been in force since 2005 and has grown exponentially […]

Newsletter Vol 1: AIDS Walk, Barouch, iTeach

Jul 4, 2010

On June 6, Despite cloudy skies and a tornado watch, over 12,000 intrepid walkers showed up to support the 25th annual AIDS Walk Boston.   The Ragon Institute—and its former iteration, the Partners AIDS Research Center—has supported the AIDS Walk since 1996. The walk begins at the Hatch Shell on the Charles River Esplanade and […]