Ragon Institute

Flow Cytometry Core

The Ragon Institute’s Flow Cytometry Core provides access to a range of different instrumentation for flow cytometry, a technique that enables researchers to identify and quantify different cell types within a sample by measuring the presence of fluorescent markers used to label the cells.

Core Overview

The Ragon Institute’s Flow Cytometry Core provides access to a range of different instrumentation for flow cytometry, a technique that enables researchers to identify and quantify different cell types within a sample by measuring the presence of fluorescent markers used to label the cells.

The Flow Cytometry Core provides access to three sorting flow cytometers capable of sorting plates or up to four bulk populations at a time, six analyzers for up to 18- or 29-color analysis, as well as Luminex assay platforms. We offer training for self-run options and experimental design support. Our expert staff can also run any of our machines for you.

Michael Waring, PhD


Looking for Collaboration?

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Machines, Software, and Prices

We offer access to eleven flow cytometers, including three cell sorters housed in biosafety cabinets to allow safe processing of healthy or infectious human samples.

Policy for Core Users

We welcome external users at the Ragon Flow Cytometry Core. Both internal and external users should review the guidelines below on how to get started.

Photo Gallery

Looking for Collaboration?

Michael Waring

(978) 793-1526

[email protected]
