
Microscopy Core

The Ragon Microscopy Core provides cutting-edge imaging technologies to answer fundamental questions in immunology and infectious disease research. Our services include slide scanning, confocal microscopy, lightsheet microscopy, multispectral imaging, live-cell imaging, super-resolution imaging, and imaging flow cytometry.

We provide assistance with experimental design, sample preparation, imaging, and analysis as well as training for use of our systems. Our facility is open to both external and internal users.


Michael Waring


Associate Director/Contact

Thomas J. Diefenbach

Associate Director and Platform Scientist


Imaging Systems and Platforms

We have seven imaging systems, including a Zeiss LSM510laser scanning confocal microscope and a fully automated Zeiss Axio Observer microscope in BL3+ facilities, two slide scanning systems (MIRAX MIDI and TissueFAXS), and an Amis ImageStreamX MkII Amnis housed in our Flow Cytometry Core.

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Clinical Team

The Ragon’s clinical research focuses on clinical studies in infectious diseases such as HIV and COVID-19.

Lab Staff

Our lab staff, comprised of students, postdocs, technicians, and scientists, is responsible for the hands-on research work at the Ragon.


The Ragon’s research creates knowledge from our collaborative, cross-disciplinary approach, breaking down the silos of academia.